Monday, November 10, 2008

Yanik silver shares his business secrets for FREE you just pay for shipping just $10

There's no denying that there's a lot of uncertainty among
business owners when it comes to the economy.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

Uncertainty breeds fear, and fear can lead to some pretty bad

It's a natural reaction - when we fear for a potentially rocky
road up ahead, we tend to batten down the hatches and start
cutting costs and expenses in our businesses.

In a lot of cases, that's a wise thing to do.

But I want to put a *warning* out there, to prevent you all
from missing out on one of the great opportunities a recession
can present.

That's right. I said "opportunities" and "recession" in the
same sentence!

Yes! Take precautions in your business so you can can weather
whatever the downturn in the economy throws your way, but DON'T
CLOSE YOUR EYES to opportunities that will begin cropping up
all around you.

Keep an eye on your competitors. Keep an eye on other niche
markets that you know to be successful that you've thought of
getting into.

See, everyone else is going to be tightening their belts too,
and often, panic can lead to people being *overly* conservative
when they cut back.

This means that your competitors can be leaving *huge*
advertising opportunities for you. If they cut their PPC
budgets, they could actually be cutting costs for YOU as their
bids go down. If your competitors cut back on link building
and article marketing, it leaves a void that you can *easily*
step into.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

And advertising opportunities are just one thing that can make
an uncertain business environment advantageous.

It can also be a good time to snap up market share from the
competition. For example, some businesses are going to cut
back on development and slow down the release of new products.

If that particular market's consumers are still in a buying
mode, you can market your own products and new releases almost
in a vacuum.

Sure, there may be less people buying during a recession, but
they are *still buying* and if you're the only one *selling* -
you see what I'm getting at?

Then, when things get *better* (as they inevitably will), you
can actually end up in a superior position than your
competition because you've been busy snatching up their
formerly loyal customers. You can come out of the other side
of a period of economic turmoil even *stronger* than before.

Also, I mentioned keeping an eye on other markets you can
expand into. Personally, I always have an eye out for other
profitable markets I might want to get into, and as part of
that research, I know who the major players are.

Look at what those guys are doing too. It could be that a
niche that wasn't going to be profitable might take a turn and
suddenly become not only *viable* but *profitable* in times
like these.

Now don't get me wrong - be cautious. It's YOUR business and
only YOU know the particulars, so do what you need to do to
keep in the black.

But don't let worry blind you from seeing opportunities to get
a leg up over more timid competitors. If they're giving up
ground, step up and claim it!

See, worry is just wasted energy. If you have a concern about
your business, just DO what you need to do to address that
worry. Then, go *right back* to doing your job as CEO or owner
and GROW the business. Expand, enter new markets, prosper and
most of all PROFIT!

Now, I know that this kind of attitude takes a bit of daring.
That's okay - I think I'm a pretty daring guy, and I've been
lucky in that slightly more than half of the risks I've taken
have paid off.

If you're like me, and have that entrepreneurial spirit of
adventure, you're probably already a fan of Yanik Silver's.

He started with a silly idea and built it over time into a
multi-million dollar online business without any staff (aside
from a few virtual assistants and his wife).

He's been a true "maverick" in the real sense of the word. I
know, I know, I'm a little sick of hearing that word too :)
But that's what he is. He follows his own rules - built a
hugely successful business on his own terms and lives the life
of REAL adventure most people only *dream* about.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

In fact, last January, he charged a bunch of hugely successful
business people $15,000 a head to follow him into the deserts
of Mexico to look at a single sheet of paper.

If that's not a *maverick* move, I don't know what is. "Crazy"
maybe. "Ridiculous" maybe. :)

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

But the fact is, those folks *loved* it. Whether they were
bootstrapping one-man-show internet entrepreneurs, or reps from
multi-million dollar corporations, that one sheet of paper made
the trip worth it.

Now in an even MORE crazy move, Yanik is going to give away
that one-sheet mind map that he charged $15k for. He's going
to give away the presentation he gave to those business people.

He calls it an "ethical bribe" - and you know what? I think
it's worth taking. You can get your own f'ree copy of that
*extremely* valuable document and find out how to get it on
Yanik's site here.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

If you don't want to take the "bribe" you should still go check
this offer out. Remember what I told you above about how smart
business owners step up in uncertain times? This is *exactly*
what Yanik is doing, and his presentation should give you a ton
of ideas to go hand in hand with what YOU should be doing in
your own business.

And he has the *same lesson* : Be bold - be adventurous - and
GIVE BACK. He knows his fellow entrepreneurs might be hurting,
so he's taking his BEST stuff and giving it away. And as a
result, he's going to draw the attention of a ton of folks in
his market. Maybe even you!

Go check it out now, and until next time,
Keep Winning!
MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

P.S. If you're like me, you're a sucker for good Fast Action Bonuses.
Yanik's got a few in there and those offers end TODAY, so take 5
minutes and make sure your business can't use them before you
make up your mind to let Yanik "bribe" you or not.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I bought Maverick Business Insider for just $10 & its worth paying $100. Here is a video with the product review

Yanik Silver is going all out to ethically 'bribe' you...
I bought his product already since I had to pay only $10 to get it shipped to my address.
I bet a grand that its worth paying more than $500 & 10 bucks is nothing compared to what its really worth.

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Website

First, he's giving away a special, $15k closed-door
presentation entitled "Instant Leverage Points in Your
Business That Bring You Surges of Cash".

It's all about little tweaks and 'hacks' that immediately
ramp up your bottom line with a few quick fixes.

And the best part is once they are set-up - they keep
paying you over and over again. (Or, if you don't have
a business already - this was a blueprint for wringing
the most revenue out of one when you do start it.)

He presented this information last January to 26 top-gun
entrepreneurs and business leaders who paid about $15k in
membership fees and trip fees to come together in Baja,

MaverickBusinessInsider Videos

The group ranged from one-man Internet superstars raking
in multiple 7-figures in their flip flops to $900M International
Resort developers and $100M Manufacturing conglomerates.

(Side note: Being that I was one of the 26 people that
were fortunate enough to be present for the incredible
presentation Yanik gave, I'm kind of upset that he's
giving it away as I paid BIG BUCKS to be there!
End Side note)

Originally, Yanik figured he'd sell the DVD of this
presentation for several hundred dollars but decided
instead to make it irresistible for people to become
"Maverick Business Insiders."

So, he's bundled up this DVD, the MindMap he handed out,
his newest book called "34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs",
a 2 CD-Audio program and more - the only thing you pay for is s/h.

That's it.

Yes it's a totally no-brainer but there's one little
'catch' and 2 qualifications on your part to get in on
this 'ethical bribe'.

Check it all out and get the full story here:

MaverickBusinessInsider Videos

P.S. If you want more profits, passion and purpose in
your life - this package covers all three!

MaverickBusinessInsider Product Reviews & Videos

Richard Branson & Yanik Silver MaverickBusiness adventures brought them together & You can get all their Success secrets for just $10 to begin with

Change all your plans for tomorrow…
Special webinar invite…
special webinar tomorrow, 12 PM, ET
eavesdrop on real Maverick millionaires…


Please block out 12 PM - 1:30 PM, ET tomorrow, November 6th for a special, LIVE *webinar* called “Secrets of Maverick Entrepreneurs LIVE”.

You don’t pay a dime to get on there (except for any long-distance charges like you would to Aunt Millie in Kansas). ;) Click for Videos & Best Offer

Imagine being able to sit down and corner a half dozen top-gun entrepreneurs from all different industries and get their take on the Maverick philosophy of how to make more, have more fun and give back more! (I’m talking about everyone from $100M Manufacturing conglomerate to online mavens to luxury Real Estate agent and more.)

That’s exactly what Yanik Silver will be doing and if you want in - there’s no time to waste to register.

There are only 500 spots for this event (On Yanik’s list alone there are 100,000 people who are going to find out about this event). So there’s a very good chance this will be completely SOLD OUT.

Grab your seat here while you can:

Since there’s zero cost for this one-time-only event, I expect this will be completely booked in no time flat. And it doesn’t matter what connection speed you have or even if you have a PC or Mac.

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.


P.S. One more thing and I probably shouldn’t even tell you this but the people who are on the webinar will get a special backdoor link to Yanik’s new ‘Maverick Business Insider’ release happening immediately following the event. Everyone who sticks around will get a huge head start on the general public.


Maverick Business Insider Videos Mindmaps Audio All for mere $10


Make more, have more fun and do more good…
Finally! A balanced approach to work & life…
What’s a Maverick entrepreneur?
More money, more fun and more impact…
Must see: Maverick Manifesto video…


I know you’re busy. I know you have too much to do. Yet, that’s exactly why I’m writing…

Yanik Silver has just released a new video on “How to be a Maverick Entrepreneur”. It’s all about his philosophy of making more, having more fun and giving back more…while writing your own rules for success!

CLICK HERE MaverickBusinessInsider Website link.

You need to take a few minutes and check it out. I think you’ll find it a refreshing change from everything else out there.

If you haven’t heard of Yanik, he literally started with a silly idea at 3 o’clock in the morning and built it into a multi-million dollar online business without any staff (aside from a few virtual assistants one and his one part-time employee, namely his wife).

But more than the financial side - I’m really impressed with the way he lives his life. He’s done everything from Running with the Bulls to signing up for one of the first space flights. Now I might want to skip some of adventures he takes part in - but it’s the philosophy of never settling for an ordinary life that really resonates with me.

Plus, his sense of making a difference has been impactful. His companies have donated hundreds of thousands to worthwhile causes and it’s central to his core mission.

Quite frankly this video is all about freedom! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FREE REVIEW VIDEOS

Freedom to write your own ticket regardless of what’s going on with the crazy economy, the next person in the White House or any external factor!

It’s not just about making more moolah - but truly leading a balanced life where you make time for what’s really important.

If you’re just getting going in your ventures - this is a perfect presentation to give you ideas on how to create a feeling of security in a very un-secure world.

If you’re already successful - you’ll want to pay attention to the areas of making the most of your life and experiencing the joy of truly making an impact.

Check it out:


Maverick Business Insider Review More details of whats in the package & how much it costs


Here’s a refreshing philosophy…
This is my vote…for freedom…
Cast your vote for freedom…
I’m voting for freedom (and it’s not at the polls)


Tomorrow, here in the U.S., we’ll be electing another President.

I know some people will be glued to CNN watching the results roll in to figure out what it means for their future. Concerned that if the ‘wrong’ candidate wins - it’ll spell certain financial doom and gloom.

Guess what? I won’t be one of them…nor will Yanik Silver.


Quite simply because we’ve figured out how to write my own ticket regardless of what’s going on with the crazy economy, the next person in the White House or any external factor!

It starts from figuring out how to create profits on demand (just like turning a tap). Then that gives you freedom to do what you want and when you want. And it expands to how you live your life and what meaning you bring to others.

This is what Yanik calls his “Maverick Philosophy for Entrepreneurs” - It’s a way to make more, have more fun and give back more! It’s his ‘Maverick Manifesto’!

Want to see what he’s talking about?

He’s put up a free 60+ minute video right here:


P.S. Yes, I know, I know, the word “Maverick” has been stomped on with the election but it makes sense here because you get to write your own rules. You get to be the person that decides how to play the ‘game’ and that’s being a renegade…someone who’s NOT going to cower in the corner while the media tells us the sky is falling.

If you’d like to join us - you’ll want to watch this powerful video: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FREE REVIEW VIDEOS

Maverickbusinessinsider Review its just $10 & I Love this package I already ordered one too



Wanted to give you a heads-up for what’s coming up…. Maverick Main Website Link

This is a pretty short fuse launch so you’ll be getting stuff from us in rapid-fire order.

11/3 (Monday) release of Maverick Manifesto video. This will be up at 11am ET. Your leads will be ‘tagged’ to you so your affiliate id# will be hard-coded into follow-ups. Plus these leads will get a head start over every one else to buy and special first-mover bonuses. (More sales for you!)

11/6 (Thursday) Launch Day - Webinar ‘Maverick Entrepreneurs LIVE (interviews & case studies)

11/6 (Thursday) Launch (First-in-line-list opens at 1:30pm and general list opens at 2 pm, ET)

Below are the sample emails for you. (Some are politically oriented based on the elections and some are generic.) Your link is already included in the samples. Product Website Link

In the meantime, for any questions you can always contact us via our new support desk at

Or, during this launch period, you can email directly to my partner on this project, Chris Zavadowski, via email at

Once again please block out November 6, 2008 for the unveiling of Maverick Business Insider. And set up a time tomorrow to mail for the ‘Maverick Manifesto’ video.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Don’t forget all the super cool prizes we’ve got lined for you including Rock n Roll Fantasy Camp, a week at Necker Island and even your own island ;)